Third Grade
* Based on the American Speech-Language Hearing Association article: Your Child's Communication Development: Kindergarten Through Fifth Grade
Your Child's Communication: Third Grade By the end of 3rd grade your child should be able to do the following: Listening Listen attentively in group situations Understand grade-level material Speaking Speak clearly with an appropriate voice Ask and respond to questions Participate in conversations and group discussions Use subject-related vocabulary Stay on topic, use appropriate eye contact, and take turns in conversation Summarize a story accurately Explain what has been learned Reading Demonstrate full mastery of basic phonics Use word analysis skills when reading Use clues from language content and structure to help understand what is read Predict and justify what will happen next in stories and compare and contrast stories Ask and answer questions regarding reading material Use acquired information to learn about new topics Read grade-level books fluently (fiction and nonfiction) Reread and correct errors when necessary Writing Plan, organize, revise, and edit Include details in writing Write stories, letters, simple explanations, and brief reports Spell simple words correctly, correct most spelling independently, and use a dictionary to correct spelling Write clearly in cursive HEALTHGRADES |